What is Happening With Siemens Linear Accelerators?
Over the course of the past several years, a record number of Siemens Linear Accelerators have been removed and replaced with either Varian or Elekta systems.
Siemens made the decision to exit the linear accelerator market in 2011, and although Siemens is committed to providing replacement parts for 10 years, many sites are deciding to change out the equipment for newer technologies.
Siemens’ exit from the market left a big vacuum, and Varian and Elekta have filled most of it. However, new entrants, such as ViewRay and have also stepped in to fill the voids. Over the course of the next few years, we will also see new products made in China entering the U.S. market.
Most of the Siemens linear accelerators being removed today will either be used for its replacement parts, used for research, or simply scrapped. The photos in this article are from a Siemens Oncor removed in early 2019 from a cancer center in the state of New York.