Accuray TomoTherapy Hi-Art Linear Accelerator
Manufacturer: Accuray
Model: TomoTherapy Hi-Art
Reference Number: 20G44
Year: 2010
Availability: Available
- Manufactured in 2010
- Tomo Binary 80 Leaf MLC
- 6 MV Photon Energies
- Tomo Couch
- Software –– Accuray
- Software disks and lasers included
ROS Insights & Observations
This machine is no longer manufactured and rarely installed. When found in the secondary market, most systems are often used for parts.
From the Manufacturer
The Tomotherapy Hi-Art treatment system incorporates unique design features that combine to deliver high conformal radiation therapy guided by a multileaf collimator (MLC).Foour key advantages include: Complete system integration, helical pattern delivery, CTrue imaging technology, Discrete-angle, sliding beam delivery (optional)